Mar 23, 2012

Award Time !!!!!!!

The Versatile Blog Award

I thank to Julie of Erivum Puliyum for giving me this wonderful award. Julie has loads of lot of interesting and very innovative recipes in her blog. And I am happy to have received this wonderful award with the greatest honour.I am very sorry for posting this late. ...All of them have supported my space with their continous encouraging comments.

The rules for accepting this award are:~
Add the versatile blogger award.
Thank the blogger who nominated you in a post with a link back to their blog.
Share 7 completely random pieces of information about yourself.
Include this set of rules.
Forward this award to 15 fellow bloggers and inform them with a comment on each of their blogs.

7 points I would like to share is:

1.I never cooked before my marriage, and after marriage during the initial days I was the worst cook...God knows how my husband used to manage it. But thanks to him.

2. he never discouraged me & that is why I am here.

3. I got my inspiration to develop my cooking skills from Master Chef India.

4. I started this blog more than 1 year and due to this, I am feeling happy to get so many friends. I love to try new recipes.....

5. Spring is my favorite season of the Year. Flowers and life springing forward during this season is always and is most definitely an exuberant display of Gods creation in all its glory at this moment.

6. I would not like to stay at home on weekends. That’s why; I like to go out from the four walls of our home, for any good places.
I like to listen romantic Hindi or Bengali songs.

7. I love to go shopping.

I want to pass this award 15th lovely bloggers

Kaveri from Palakkad Chamayal
Indrani from Recipe Junction
Kalpana from Life with Spices
Melange from Melange
Amina from Amina Creation
Ramya from Ramya's Recipe
Prabhamani from Prabha's Cooking
Hema from Aromatic Cooking
Alaguchitra Ganesh from A Desperate Housewife's Dairy
Kokila from Foodies Nest
Square Meals from Square Meals

Liebster Blog Award

I'm honored and received from Alaguchitra Ganesh of A Desperate Housewife's Dairy for passing me this award. She has got a lovely space and vast collection of recipes.

Here are the rules :~

• Thank your Liebster Blog Award presenter on your blog.
• Link back to the blogger who presented the award to you.
• Copy and paste the blog award on your blog.
• Present the Liebster Blog Award to 5 blogs of 200 followers or less who you feel deserve to be noticed. (Some say just 3 or more blogs of less than 200 followers
• Let them know they have been chosen by leaving a comment at their blog.

 Hmmm....only 5 bloggers and less than 200 followers...let's they are,
I would like to pass this award to :

Julie from Erivum Puliyum
Sonali from Only Fish Recipes
Deeksha from Dee's Kitchen
Vidya from Cooking my way