Apr 9, 2012

Vegetable Momos

Momos are a traditional popular fast food in Tibet and Nepal like countries. I used to taste them while in Kolkata and thought of try out this healthier version of steamed vegetarian momos in my sweet home.

Ingredients :

The dough ~

Maida (Refine flour)- 2 cups
Water to bind the dough
A few drops of oil (optional)

The filling ~

Carrot : 1, grated
Cabbage : 1/2 cup. grated
Cauliflower : 1/2 cup, grated
Onion : 1, finely chopped
Garlic : 4 cloves, finely chopped
Turmeric Powder : 1/2 tsp
Red chilli Powder : 1/2 tsp
Mustard oil - 1 tsp

Method :

For dough ~

Knead the flour to smooth but not sticky dough, and keep aside. You may smear a little oil on the dough to keep it from drying, else cover it with a damp cloth. I tried the dough both ways, with and without oil, but didn't find much difference, so I prefer the oil free version.

If any of you, health conscious friends you can try it with wheat flour. Keep aside for 30 mins..

For filling ~

Heat a tsp of mustard oil, add chopped garlic, when gives nice aroma then add veggies, turmeric and red chilli powder, fry for a minute. Then add salt, mix well and leave to cool. If there is any water, drain well before using. The filling should be dry, and this is why we add salt in the end.

For making momos ~

When your dough and filling are both ready, it is time for the tricky part of making the dumpling shapes.

After you have rolled out the dough, you will need to cut it into little circles for each momo.
The easiest way t
o do this is turn a small cup or glass upside down to cut out circles about the size of the palm of your hand.

That way, you don’t have to worry about making good circles of dough because each one will be the same size and shape.

Put a tablespoon of filling in the center of each circle and fold over into a half moon. Dip your fingertips in water & press the edges tight & pleat the edges (like a Dumpling ) to seal. (If it takes too long to pleat, just press and cut little lines with knife tip as I have done). Repeat the filling process for all the circles. Keep these aside.

There are many, many different choices for momo shapes, and I will teach you two of the most common, the basic round momo, and the half-moon shapes.

For steaming the Momos ~

Finally, you should boil water in a large steamer. Oil the steamer surface lightly before putting the momos in, so they won’t stick to the metal, then place as many as you can without touching each other.

Add the momos after the water is already boiling.

Steam the momos for about 10 minutes,till they get done.

Serve hot with Spicy Garlic Chutney and Chef style Maggi mashroom soup..

Sending this to my ongoing event "Spotloght : Lunchbox Ideas", Rujuta's "Kid's Delights" event, Denny's "Serve it Series – Serve it Pressure Cooked/Slow cooked" event, Umm Mymoonah's " Healthy Morsels - Pregnancy" event