Jun 4, 2012

Mango Chutney With Grated Coconut (Kancha Aamer Chutney Narkel diye)

           Bengali meals are very elaborate and incorporate a lot of flavors and tastes. They start with something bitter, followed by combinations of salt, tangy, bland, spicy, sour, and finished off with sweet. Bengalis put a pinch of salt in all sweet preparations and a dash of sugar in savory preparations to bring out the opposite flavors.
          In a Bengali meal, chutneys receive as much attention as the main course. Bengali chutneys made of tomatoes, green papayas, tamarind, dried mango puree, dried fruits or even fish heads! This chutney recipe from my mother, uses seasonal green mangoes and can be served hot or cold. I prefer it cold.

Ingredients :

Green unripe mango - 1 large
Coconut - 1/2 cup, grated
Sugar - 3 tbsp
Turmeric Powder a pinch
Salt a pinch
Red chilli - 1
Mustard seeds : 1/4 tsp, preferably the small grained reddish-black mustard

Preparation :

Peel the mango with a peeler, taking off only the thick upper skin near the stem and leaving some of the bottom of the skin.

Slice the mango lengthwise, making sure to skirt the seed. Cutting through the seed releases bitter unsavory juices inside the seed. Now make thick lengthwise strips.

Heat the oil in a thick-bottomed saucepan. Add the mustard seeds and the dried red chilies. Be sure the chilies are split to prevent them bursting.

Add the mango slices, sugar, salt, the turmeric and water. Bring to a boil, cover and simmer till the mango slices are have softened. Do not thicken too much. If it dries out, add a little more water and bring to a boil.

Taste for sugar and salt adding more if needed. Finally add grated coconut mix well, cook for 2 mins. May be served hot or cold.


Sending this recipe to The Pumpkin Farm's "Mango Mania 99" event, Anu's "'Only'Mango" event and Akila's "Dish Name Starts with M" event