Aug 16, 2012

Spotlight : "Healthy Snacks" ~ Announcement Monthly Event

I am announcing the "Spotlight" event for this month and the event is the brain child of Indrani of Recipe Junction. Thanks Indrani for letting me host this event. The theme for this month will be " Spotlight: Healthy Snacks". 
Everybody is fond of eating snacks anytime and when we go to restaurants, starter is the first thing we order and eagerly wait to dig in. Evening tea is incomplete without munching on snacks and some times most of us do have midnight snack cravings,too. Now a days most of the people being health conscious like to have healthy snacks but still occasional binging on fried stuffs like pakoras, murukkus, mixtures, samosas, kachoris etc. is also a must.
So here is the event where I invite you to share those healthy snacks and starters recipes which you make and treat your families and guests with, those special finger licking good recipes for which your guests keep on visiting you again and again.

Rules of the Event :

1. As the theme is Healthy snacks/Appetizer, prepare some snacks which will be healthy as well as yummy. Veg & Non-Veg - both are allowed.
2. Post it in your blog from Aug 16 to Sep 15th and link it to this announcement page and original spotlight announcement link. You can send multiple entries.
3. Archived posts are allowed if they are reposted with the link to this announcement page and Original Spotlight announcement link.
4. The use of logo is mandatory as it helps spread the word.
5. Non-bloggers can also send their recipes to the email below.
6. Use the linky tool at the end of the post to link your recipes. If u are having any problems linking up, just send your entries to my email  address : chandranibanerjee10 (at) gmail (dot) com with subject line Spotlight : Healthy Snacks in below format
   Your Name:
   Recipe Name:
   Recipe URL:
   Image no larger than 300 pixels.

  I am looking forward to see all the wonderful creations by my blogger and non blogger friends.

Previous Spotlight events :

Spotlight : colorful Holi (Part 1, Part 2 & Part 3)
Spotlight : Rice/Roti/Pulao/Puri roundup is coming soon