Feb 18, 2014

Round-up of Holiday Recipes and the winner of giveaway

Here I am with the round up of "Holiday Recipes". I would like to thank everyone who encouraged, supported and participated in my Holiday Recipes event and Cookbook Giveaway. I am really very sorry taking so much time to post the roundup. 

 A big bunch of thanks to all my fellow bloggers who actively took part in the event. Thank you all for making this event successful. I received 154 entries and each one was unique. Here we go for the virtual treats.

Click the below link to view the round-up 
An InLinkz Link-up

Now is the time to announce the name of the winner who has contributed to the maximum entries, Sanoli from Sanoli Recipes total 40 entries.
My Kitchen Odyssey sent 25 recipes
Home Cook Food sent 18 recipes

Congratulation Sanoli, you win the giveaway cookbook "Sanjeev Kapoor's Party Cooking". Please confirm to me via email within 48hrs and also your address with pin code, your cell/mobile number to chandranibanerjee10@gmail.com . In case Sanoli does not claim her win within 48hrs then I will pick another winner.

Thanks you dearies for your enthusiastic participation and my sincere thanks to all bloggers for your creative ideas.