Apr 27, 2012

Watermelon Juice

watermelon juice is the best way to beat the summer heat.  The sweetness, fleshy texture and juicy pulp of watermelons make them a hot favorite for dessert and salad dishes. Watermelons contain more water and less sugar or sodium, besides being excellent sources of vitamins.

Ingredients ~

Watermelon - 1 cup (Remove the skin and chop it)
Mint leaves - 5-6
Sugar to taste
Lime juice - 2 tbsp
Ice cubes - 1 cup
Water - 1 cup

Method ~

Peel the water melon skin & remove the seeds within it.

Cut and keep the pieces in the mixier. Add sugar, mint leaves and lime juice, blend it.

Filter the juice and serve it cool.

Sending this recipe Nupur's "Kids Delight ~~ Fruits" event, Tomato Blue's "Summer Spirits" event, Preeti's "Jump' N Jive @ Icypritz" event

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