Jun 18, 2013

Mango Ice Cream

Summer  is the time when we get fresh mango in India. As we get good varieties of mango in this season. I decided to make the summer special refreshing homemade mango ice cream. Mango ice cream is an all time favourite hit. I just cubed the mangoes and blended to make this silky, smooth and delicious ice cream.

Ingredients :

Low Fat Cream - 1 tin 
Alphonso Mango - 2, big
Condense milk - 1 tin
Milk powder - 2 tbsp

Method :

Peel the mango and cube it. Put in a blender and puree it.

In a bowl add take low fat cream and beat with electric beater.

Then add condense milk and milk into it and again whisk it.

Add mango puree into this mixture and beat well.

Pour this mixture in kulfi moulds and plastic containers. 

Close the moulds and put this in the freezer atleast 8-10 hours or overnight.

Enjoy creamy and fresh homemade mango ice cream. 

Sending this to Merry Tummy's "Cook With Yellow" and Simply Food's "Taste of Topics - Mango"

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